Glossary M
Deutsch: Modellieren / Español: Modelaje / Português: Modelagem / Français: Modélisme / Italiano: Modellismo
Modeling in the fashion context refers to the profession and practice of showcasing clothing, accessories, and other fashion items by wearing them and being photographed or filmed for advertisements, runway shows, and promotional materials. Models serve as visual representations of fashion brands, bringing life and context to their creations.
Deutsch: Schimmelflecken / Español: Manchas de moho / Português: Manchas de mofo / Français: Taches de moisissure / Italiano: Macchie di muffa
Mold stain in the fashion context refers to discolorations or marks on fabric caused by mold growth. These stains can occur on a variety of textiles and are usually the result of exposure to moisture and poor storage conditions.