In 2008, long inspired by Mykonos, where she spends her summers with her family, Sakellis created her "Evil Eye" scarves after admiring a display of Evil Eyes in a small Mykonian tourist shop. Otrera's "Evil Eye scarves have become a must-have for Manhattan fashionistas. They are sumptuous hand-stitched glass-embellished silk scarves are the perfect way to add a hippie deluxe twist to every ensemble. The "Evil Eye" scarves detail is unbelievable, with a glass evil eye hand sewn onto each corner for that little extra touch that helps makes this piece so unique. For 2009, she added "Hamsa" scarves from her existing "Evil Eye" collection which are also embellished with gold hamsa charms with glass eye.
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Otrera has garnered high profile fans including Alicia Keys and Maggie Gyllenhaal. Stacy Keibler, an star athlete was spotted in Hollywood wearing the Otrera Evil Eye Scarf in purple, Paris Hilton and Rachel Ray.
The name Otrera was influenced by Sakellis 's Greek heritage. When searching for the perfect name for her company, she reached back to her childhood, when her grandmother would captivate her with bedtime stories about Otrera, the mysterious Greek warrior goddess known for her astounding beauty and strength.
Elle Sakellis lives in Manhattan with her husband George, and credits her family, her culture and her protective Evil Eye talismans for her continued success.
Visit Otrera's website - to take a look at its jewelry and scarves collection and order its products.
Otrera is also available in various online stores like:,, and, to name a few. Otrera is available througout the United States and at international stores located in Canada, Kuwait, Bahrain, Greece, Sweden, Japan, just to name a few.
My favorites! Otrera's earrings, like the Turquoise Tear Drop Earrings, Pearl Chandelier Earrings and the Amethyst Leaf Earrings since Amethys is my birthstone. I love Otrera's turquoise, purple and coral "Evil Eye" Scarves, there is no better way to ward off evil than to wear Otrera's "Evil Eye" scarf.
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