Fashionista is a term which describes a person who follows fashion, or is involved in the fashion industry. They are models, fashion designers, fashion photographers, fashion editors and writers, fashion buyers, and fashion inventors.This word appears to have originated in the early 1990's, and it spread quickly in the late 1990's.
As a Consumer, a Fashionista tends to be an avid follower of fashion trends, he/she dresses well, keeping up with the latest fashion trends to ensure a reputation for being stylish and well dressed. In addition to actively buying fashionable garments, a Fashionista keeps an eye on other cultural trends, attends fashion events, and reads fashion magazines. However, most Fashionistas nowadays, do not only think about fashion, they try to make an impact by contributing their talents or whatever they can think of to make our world a better place, such as leading movements to push for fair trade garments and the abolition of child labor in the garment industry, using products that have no impact on the environment or engage in other socially and politically aware activities.
Example, some Fashion Designers are already making eco-friendly dresses, bags, etc. Some used faux fur, faux leather to save the natural resources; fashion inventors invent other materials to make jewelries; and many other worthwhile activities.