Glossary A
Deutsch: Eine Erbse im Pod / Español: Un Guisante en el Pod / Português: Uma Ervilha no Pod / Français: Un Pois dans la Gousse / Italiano: Un Pisello nel Baccello /
A Pea in the Pod refers to a luxury designer/brand of maternity wear. The company offers fashions for all women but specializes in Apparel for pregnant women. It is based in Philadelphia and operates under the names Motherhood Maternity, A Pea in the Pod, Mimi Maternity and Destination Maternity.
Deutsch: A.testoni / Español: A.testoni / Português: A.testoni / Français: A.testoni / Italiano: A.testoni /
A.testoni is an Italian luxury brand which has been producing superior quality men's and women's leather shoes and accessories with refined and elegant traditional, but modern style shoes and accessories since 1929.
Aari is also known as Ari.
Aari Work (Patched) refers to the Gujarati art where patches of hand-embroidered cotton cloth are stitched together. The embroidery is hand done by skilled specialized artisans.