Deutsch: Mieder / Español: Corpiño / Português: Corpete / Français: Corsage / Italiano: Corpetto /

Bodice refers to the upper sleeveless part of a dress or other type of Clothing that covers the breasts.

Moreover, the bodice is the section of a dress or shirt that fits over the bust and the torso. It refers to a blouse or the upper part or the torso of a women's garment that covers the breasts.

Bodices (1 of 4): clothing which dresses the higher part of the chest.
Straight bodice: bodice which has a straight cut.
Empire bodice: bodice whose waist is located under the bust.
Semi-adjusted bodice: bodice which narrows downwards.
Adjusted bodice: bodice which marries the shape of the body.
Ascending point bodice: empire bodice from which the waist goes up in the center front.
Bloused bodice: bodice provided with puckers.
Gathered bodice: roomy bodice provided with puckers.
Descending point empire: empire bodice from which the waist goes down in the center front.

Bodices (2 of 4): clothing which dresses the higher part of the chest.
Princess bodice: bodice of which the top is more or less adjusted and widening starting from the waist downwards.
Asymetrical adjusted bodice: bodice provided with a line of buttons not centered.
Double breasted buttoning bodice: bodice provided with two lines of buttons.
Bodice: fitted bodice being closed using laces.
Asymetrical adjusted bodice: fitted bodice whose bottom finishes with a height different on each side.
Straight buttoned bodice: bodice which has a right cut.
Tubular bodice: extensible bodice without straps nor sleeves.
Strapless top: fitted bodice without straps nor sleeves.

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