Glossary B
Deutsch: Brusttasche / Español: Bolsillo Delantero / Português: Bolso de Pala / Français: Pochette Poitrine / Italiano: Tasca Pettorale /
Bellow Pocket refers to a patch type pocket with inverted or Box Pleat to allow for expansion. Bellow Pockets are often used on jackets, shirts, and safari style garments.
Beli is a Filipino word for Chapel Cap. It refers to a circle or triangle lace which was formerly placed on the head when entering a Catholic Church for services. It was carried in purse.
Belt refers to a strip of flexible material: a band made of different materials, like leather,, cloth, or chain worn especially around the waist. Belt normally serves the purpose of supporting the clothing material, particularly trousers. A belt has been repeatedly used in the fashion world for decorative reasons.