Deutsch: Zirkon / Español: Circón / Português: Zircônia / Français: Zircon / Italiano: Zircone /

Zircon refers to a brown to colorless mineral, which is heated, cut, and polished to form a brilliant blue-white gem.

Zircon also called Zircon Silicate is a lustrous gemstone th at comes in colors which range from golden brown to red to violet to blue. Howeverm Pure Zircon is colorless, but most Zircon stones are brown.

Zircon stones can be heat-treated to become blue or colorless, but sometimes, heat-treated stones revert to their original brown color. There are times when Clear Zircon is unintentionally sold as diamond. It has a hardness of 7.5 and a specific gravity of 3.90-4.71.

Zircon is used in jewelry manufacturing.

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