Deutsch: Superhumeral / Español: Superhumeral / Português: Superhumeral / Français: Superhumeral / Italiano: Superhumeral

Superhumeral refers to a specific type of garment or accessory worn over the shoulders, often associated with historical and liturgical dress.


In the fashion context, the Superhumeral is a decorative or functional garment worn over the shoulders, extending across the chest and back. This piece has historical significance and is often seen in religious and ceremonial attire. The term originates from the Latin word "superhumerale," which means "over the shoulders."

The Superhumeral is characterized by its placement and draping over the shoulders, typically covering part of the upper arms, chest, and back. It is often richly decorated with embroidery, jewels, or intricate patterns, reflecting its importance and the status of the wearer. In historical contexts, the superhumeral was a part of the regalia worn by royalty and high-ranking officials, as well as a component of religious vestments in various traditions.

Special Features

Superhumeral garments have several distinctive characteristics:

  • Shoulder Placement: Worn over the shoulders, sometimes extending to cover the upper arms and chest.
  • Rich Decoration: Often adorned with embroidery, gemstones, gold thread, and other luxurious materials.
  • Historical Significance: Associated with historical, ceremonial, and liturgical attire, symbolizing authority and sanctity.
  • Variety of Designs: Can vary in design, from simple and functional to highly elaborate and decorative.

Application Areas

Superhumeral is used in various areas within the fashion industry, including:

  • Historical Reenactments: Essential in reproducing accurate historical costumes, particularly from medieval and Renaissance periods.
  • Religious Vestments: Worn as part of liturgical dress in certain religious traditions, such as the Christian chasuble or the Jewish tallit.
  • Ceremonial Attire: Used in ceremonial dress for royalty, nobility, and high-ranking officials.
  • Fashion Collections: Occasionally referenced or reinterpreted in high-fashion collections to add a historical or regal touch to modern designs.

Well-Known Examples

Notable examples of Superhumeral in fashion history include:

  • Medieval Royalty: Worn by kings, queens, and nobles during the medieval period, often richly decorated to display wealth and power.
  • Religious Leaders: Used in the vestments of bishops and other high-ranking clergy in various Christian denominations, often seen in ceremonial robes.
  • Modern Fashion: Designers such as Alexander McQueen and John Galliano have drawn inspiration from historical garments like the superhumeral for their runway collections.

Treatment and Risks

Superhumeral garments require careful handling and maintenance to preserve their intricate designs and historical value:

  • Cleaning: Due to the delicate materials and decorations, cleaning should be done by professionals, often requiring specialized dry cleaning techniques.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, preferably in garment bags to protect from dust, light, and insects. Use padded hangers or carefully folded storage to prevent damage.
  • Handling: Handle with clean hands and avoid excessive touching of embroidered or jeweled areas to prevent wear and tarnish.

Similar Terms

  • Chasuble: A liturgical vestment worn by clergy during the Eucharist, similar in its placement over the shoulders but differing in design and purpose.
  • Cope: A liturgical cloak worn by clergy, similar in ceremonial use but more enveloping and usually fastened at the front.
  • Tallit: A Jewish prayer shawl worn over the shoulders during religious services, often decorated with fringes and stripes.


Superhumeral refers to a garment or accessory worn over the shoulders, often richly decorated and historically significant. Used in religious, ceremonial, and historical contexts, the superhumeral symbolizes authority and sanctity. Proper care and handling are essential to maintain the integrity and appearance of these intricate and valuable garments. The superhumeral remains an important element in historical reenactments, religious vestments, and occasionally in modern fashion collections, reflecting its enduring significance and beauty.


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