Glossary H
Deutsch: Haarschnitt / Español: Corte de pelo / Português: Corte de cabelo / Français: Coupe de cheveux / Italiano: Taglio di capelli /
Haircut refers to the style in which hair has been cut, as in short, bob, assymetrical, etc.
For humans, a haircut or hairstyle normally describes cutting or styling head hair.
Deutsch: Frisur / Español: Peinado / Português: Penteado / Français: Coiffure / Italiano: Acconciatura
Hairdo in the fashion context refers to a style or arrangement of the hair, crafted to achieve a specific look or aesthetic. It can range from simple, everyday styles to complex designs intended for special occasions. Hairdos are an integral part of fashion as they complement overall attire and help express individual style and cultural identity.
Deutsch: Haarstyling / Español: Estilismo de cabello / Português: Estilização de cabelo / Français: Coiffure / Italian: Acconciatura
Hairstyling in the fashion context refers to the art and practice of designing, arranging, and shaping hair to enhance an individual's appearance or complement a particular outfit or fashion statement. It is a critical Aspect of personal style and overall fashion, playing a key role in how individuals express their identity and how trends are defined and communicated in the fashion industry.