Glossary F
Deutsch: Mode Design / Español: Diseño de Moda / Português: Design de Moda / Français: Création de Mode / Italiano: Design della Moda /
Fashion Design refers to the applied art dedicated to the design of Clothing and lifestyle accessories..Deutsch: Modedesigner / Español: Diseñador de moda / Português: Designer de moda / Français: Créateur de mode / Italiano: Stilista
Fashion Designer is a professional who creates and develops new clothing, accessories, and footwear designs. They play a critical role in the fashion industry, influencing trends and styles by blending creativity with technical skills.
Deutsch: Modejournalismus / Español: Periodismo de moda / Português: Jornalismo de moda / Français: Journalisme de mode / Italiano: Giornalismo di moda
Fashion journalism refers to the reporting, writing, and commentary on fashion-related topics, including trends, designers, collections, events, and the cultural and business aspects of the fashion industry. It is a specialized branch of journalism that spans various media forms such as magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, and social media.