Bunions refer to a painful swelling at the base of the big toe, frequently leading to permanent enlargement of the toe joint.
Moreover, Hallux valgus, or bunions, are an enlargem ent of the joint at the base of the big toe (called the metatarsophalangeal or MTP joint) that forms when the bone or tissue of the big toe joint moves out of place. This causes the toe to bend toward the others, causing a painful lump of bone on the foot. The process can take a very long time to develop. Bunions can be the result of an injury that causes a normal person to walk in a different way, thus leading to the formation of a bunion. Bunions also develop because of hereditary abnormal foot types that cause the person to walk in a way that forms a bunion.
Author's Note: Visit Dr. Scholl's website for products for relief againts Bunions. http://www.drscholls.com (See Dr. Scholl).