Anna Holtblad refers to a Swedish designer who claimed recognition when she launched a collection based on feminine shapes and streamline silouettes amongst a jungle of shoulder pads, chunky knits, and oversized clothing in 1987. Anna Holtblad is acknowledged as one of the pioneers of contemporary Swedish fashion. Over two decades, Holtblad has followed her own voice and her typically Scandinavian ideals of timelessness in design.
No matter how trends come and go, several distinctive qualities have remained in her work, such as her stubborn refusal to compromise quality, the characteristic Anna Holtblad silhouette, the use of powerful accented colours, as well as the exceptional timelessness in many of her signature garments, many of which have earned the rank of contemporary Swedish fashion classics.
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Her first collection, launched in the fall of 1987, marked a milestone in Swedish fashion, instantly establishing a distinct new look with just three styles in two colours. Many associate Anna Holtblad with the advanced knitwear that has earned her design awards, among them Nordic Design Award, The Goldbutton, Elle's Price of Honour and a reputation in the fashion world. Today, however, knitwear is just one part of the collection.
Some twenty years later, when several young Swedish designers launch their own new labels every year, it can be hard to appreciate how bold and daring Anna Holtblad was - and still is. Even the introduction of knitted sweaters was radical at the time, and her "sustainable" approach to quality and fashion means that an Anna Holtblad piece will be loved and worn for years to come. A rare quality in the today's high-speed consumer fashion world.
Aside from Sweden, Anna Holtblad's clothes are sold in selected shops in Europe, North America and Japan.
Anna Holtblad's complete collection are found in her store, with its renowned interior by Holtblad's husband Thomas Sandell located in Stockholm. For her Autumn 2009 collection, visit her website.
Anna Holtblad
Grev Turegatan 13
11446 Stockholm, Sweden
Website URL:
My favorite Holtblad from her Autumn 2009 collection are the fitted top with balloon sleeves and the fitted folkloric skirt. Lovely!
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