Cowrie Shells are objects which may be used to decorate hats, were once used as a form of currency in Africa and China.
The expression "a mad hatter” originally got its name from a nerv ous disorder caused by mercury that was used in the manufacturing of hats
A baseball hat might be worn to keep the sun off ones face; advertise a place, product or personal affiliation; or hide a bald spot
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Turkey was once against the law for a man to wear a fez
A traditional chef's hat has one hundred pleats in recognition of the number of ways a chef can prepare an egg
The primary function of a kaffiyeh is to protect ones face from the sun and sand in the desert
Chinese children's hats traditionally were embroidered with faces on them in order to scare away evil spirits thought to be responsible for the high rate of child mortality
Men of Judaism and Islam religious faith wear a simple head covering when entering a place of worship
Feathers in a headdress of Plain Indians Tribe (USA), Naga Tribe (India), Dayak Tribe (Malaysia) indicate that the wearer has performed an act of courage and respect
Gourds, Banana tree leaves, and sheep hair are materials which are commonly used to create a hat