Chanel Reissue 2.55 Bag refers to a Chanel Handbag re-designed or re-made by Karl Lagerfeld in February 2005 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the original Chanel 2.55 Handbag.

It came to be known as "the Reissue" , a term which should only be used for those bags re-made by Lagerfeld in 2005 that were made to commemorate the original. The lock on the Reissue 2.55 bag has the original lock called the Mademoiselle lock that is rectangular in shape. It has all chain handles while the original has interwoven leather between the chain links; the Reissue 2.55 Bag has a double flap inside; and the Reissue has a different type of leather which was made to seem more worn than the leather of the original.